Our Mission

Earth Diaper creates a cleaner, greener world for all by composting diapers that would otherwise overcrowd landfills. We support healthy, stress free babies and parents by providing diapers and composting to those who struggle to afford them.

Family Health

  • Clean diapers are central to the well being of families. It’s stressful for parents to weigh changing their baby regularly against other basic needs like rent and groceries.

  • Without consistent diaper changes, babies are at risk of rashes and other health problems. This can place even more financial hardship on families and time off work for doctor visits.

  • Disposable diapers and wipes cost on average $100 or more per month and at least $3,000 per child over the course of their life.

  • Parents often have to cut back on basic necessities such as food and utilities to buy diapers.

  • Daycares often require that each child have a clean supply of diapers. This makes it difficult for low income families to find child care so they can work.


  • Non-compostable diapers are the third largest consumer item in US landfills, represent 30% of non-biodegradable waste. Read more >>

  • The average baby goes through 6-8 diapers a day and will use between  6,500–10,000 diapers  before potty training.

  • Plastic diapers take between 300 and 500 years to decompose in landfill.

  • It takes compostable diapers just 3 months to breakdown in special composting facilities.

  • Composting creates temperatures high enough to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens and transform the diaper and excrement into life giving soil nutrition. Diapers left in landfills are left there as untreated waste and can potentially contaminate our soil and water.


It’s simple. We partner with agencies that work directly with identified low-income families to provide either free or subsidized diapers and a diaper composting service .

In addition to diaper drop off and pick up, the program includes educational components for participating families to build awareness and commitment to sustainability. Earth Diaper also serves group homes such as shelters for homeless families, safe homes for those struggling with domestic violence and addiction. We create central drop off and pick up locations where families can receive and drop off diapers as well as other services such as food support.


Earth Diaper has piloted its first program in Santa Cruz, California. Hear from the early participants in our pilot program on our “MEET THE FAMILIES” page.