Plastic Free for 30 Days?!

So I decided to try an experiment and go plastic free for 30 days January 2020. I decided as well to start a Facebook group with my friends interested in trying it with me as much for accountability as support. So far this social support has been immensely valuable, especially as I have my family and others knocking it down as impossible. I must admit I feel scared to fail. It seems like everything is in plastic. I suspect I will fail at some point but the main idea for me is to make this a practice, much like a mindfulness practice would be, in order to highlight my patterns and increase my awareness around consumption. Im very curious how it will change my eating habits and open my mind around products and ways of getting my needs met that I didn’t know about before.

So far I was thrilled to find an Etsy online plastic free store where I was able to find lip gloss, hair stuff and tinted sunscreen made in tin and glass with healthy ingredients. Here is the shop: I also found a cleaning supply company that ships cleaning products in paper and cardboard for you to refill the plastic bottles you already have. The company is called Clean Cult I will be eating mostly from the bulk bins and farmers market. I’m not sure how this will effect my weight. In fact, as I write this I realize I should weigh myself to find out.

If you are inspired to join us the group is public and its called Plastic free for 30 days!