Plastic Free-Trials and Triumphs

So I got some food at a cafe and they gave me a plastic dressing container for my salad which I just didn’t expect. I had thought about asking for a plastic free meal, but then was looking at their metal dressing containers as I was thinking that, and decided against it since I was eating in. So that was a bummer, I know I can’t assume meals won’t come with plastic so I need to have those uncomfortable conversations more this month.

On a positive note I made my first batch of oat milk. I blended one cup oats in 4 cuts water for 30 seconds and strained it (with a cloth bag that I have for bulk bin produce) and voila! I have some plastic free “milk”. I have to admit I was sad when I realized that even the glass cow milk jars have a plastic lid, so this was my experimental solution. It tastes decent!

Another win was going to the farmers market which I haven’t done in a long time! It feels so good to buy direct from farmers and I found it uplifting to be around all the good food and flowers. I brought my cloth bags and went plastic free. I also went to a bakery for bread which I never do. Yum. It’s so much fresher that way too!

Emotionally I definitely have been feeling that this is hard. I am blessed to have extra time right now to focus on changing habits and cooking more and this seems to be key. I got overwhelmed this morning around getting all my bags in order, but it worked out. I also want to eat chips a lot and am having to make healthier choices, which has me proud and emotional all at the same time. Food is so emotional, and having food accessible and immediate is a total thing! So changing those neuropathways is always work and its that way with anything new.

My next goal is to make toothpaste. Stay tuned!


Blending Oatmilk

One cup of oats and four cups water makes a quart of “milk”.


Makeshift oatmilk strainer

(Cloth bag in coffee strainer)


